Bradley, Stephen H.
DeVito, Nicholas J.
Lloyd, Kelly E.
Logullo, Patricia
Butler, Jessica E.
Article History
Received: 2 February 2022
Accepted: 24 April 2022
First Online: 13 May 2022
: Not applicable.
: Not applicable.
: Stephen Bradley: I am employed as a General Practitioner for one day a week. I receive funding for PhD study from CanTest collaborative (Cancer Research UK, C8640/A23385). The publication costs of a collection of essays on health inequalities which I co-edited for the Fabian Society was funded by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and Lloyds Pharmacies, I received no direct funding or payment for this. I sit on the NIHR’s Health Services & Delivery research prioritisation committee (unpaid aside from reimbursement of travel expenses). I am a co-investigator on a study which is funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research (Patient-centred models for surveillance and support of cancer survivors with bowel and breast cancer). I am a member of the steering group of a campaign to improve health research (the Declaration to Improve Health Research). I have previously received funding from the Mason Medical Foundation to undertake a study on chest x-ray and lung cancer diagnosis.Nicholas DeVito: I am a doctoral student at the DataLab (soon to be the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science supported by the Peter Bennett Foundation) and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford and I am supported in my studies by a studentship from the Naji Foundation. I have been employed on grants in the last three years from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the Good Thinking Society, and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). I have also received grant support from the Fetzer Franklin Memorial Fund.Kelly Lloyd: I am supported by an Economic and Social Research Council studentship [grant number ES/P000745/1]. I am a member of a steering group of a campaign to improve health research (the declaration to improve health research). Patricia Logullo: I am a postdoctoral meta-researcher at the University of Oxford and a member of the UK EQUATOR Centre, an organisation that promotes the use of reporting guidelines, and I am personally involved in the development of some new reporting guidelines or their extensions. I receive funding from Cancer Research UK and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for my research work. I am also a member of the Oxford-Brazil EBM Alliance, a not-for-profit organisation interested in disseminating evidence-based medicine principles (unpaid).Jessica Butler: I am employed by the University of Aberdeen where I currently receive funding for medical research from the Health Foundation and from Wellcome Trust. I am an honorary analyst for NHS Grampian (unpaid). I am on the editorial board of Scientific Reports and Scientific Data (unpaid). I am a member of the UK Reproducibility Network and the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts.