Funding for this research was provided by:
Vetenskapsrådet (K2012-61-P-22131-01-6, K2012-61X-22132-01-6)
Systembolaget (2017-0043, 2019-0079)
Karolinska Institute
Article History
Received: 15 January 2021
Accepted: 16 April 2021
First Online: 10 May 2021
: The Stockholm Regional Ethical Review Board issued a consultative statement stating that no ethical approval was needed as the information collected was not considered personally sensitive (ref. no. 2012/1695-31/5). Participation in the interviews was voluntary and the managers were asked to give about one hour of their time to the interview. All participants were informed of the purpose of the study and that they could end the interview whenever they wanted without explaining why; all provided their informed consent for study participation. Participants were not compensated for their participation but Swedish “fika” was provided by the research interviewers at each focus group occasion.
: Not applicable.
: EP & AT declare that they have no competing interests.AHB reports receiving funding as PI from the independent Swedish Alcohol Monopoly Research Council (grants 2017-0043 and 2019-0079), a research council funded by the state-run alcohol monopoly; grants are assessed by external reviewers and neither the research council nor the monopoly influence the research in any way. AHB is also the co-owner of a company, TeleCoach AB, which aims to develop and disseminate digital interventions for mental health and addiction-related issues. However, the company is not currently active.