Constantine, Andrew
Condliffe, Robin
Clift, Paul
Tulloh, Robert
Jansen, Katrijn
Dimopoulos, Konstantinos
Article History
Received: 26 October 2020
Accepted: 27 December 2020
First Online: 8 January 2021
Ethics approval and consent to participate
: Not applicable (this manuscript does not report on or involve the use of any animal or human data or tissue).
: Patient consent not applicable. All authors have given reviewed the final manuscript and have given their consent for publication.
: Dr Constantine reports grants from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work; Professor Tulloh reports personal fees and non-financial support from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Pfizer, personal fees from Abbott International, personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, personal fees from Bayer, outside the submitted work; Dr Condliffe reports personal fees and non-financial support from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline, outside the submitted work; Dr Clift reports grants, personal fees and non-financial support from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, personal fees from Bayer, outside the submitted work; Dr Jansen reports that she has no competing interest to declare; Professor Dimopoulos reports personal fees from Pfizer, grants, personal fees and non-financial support from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work.