Hena, Mist. Ashrafunnahar
Rahman, Dr. Hafizur
Ali, Dr. Md. Shahjahan http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1522-8038
Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate
: No, the article does not require ethical approval and consent to participate with evidence.
Availability of Data and Material
: These imageries were obtained from the United States Geological Survey website(http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov).
Authors Contributions
: Mst. Ashrafunnahar Hena has done the experimental work, Dr. Hafizur Rahmanor made the research plan and guided the Mst. Ashrafunnahar Hena in executing the experimental works, Dr. Shahjahan guided the first author in data processing, data analysis and prepared the manuscript.